Cloud Transformation

About this book

In this book you will learn how the public cloud is significantly changing the cost structures of digital business models and thus existing markets. The relationships between the cloud architectures used, the organization of the company and the price and business models that are possible as a result are shown clearly and so that they can be used in your own company.

The authors explain how, one after the other, more and more markets are becoming digital markets and what role marginal costs play in this. They describe how cloud-based IT is disrupting classic IT. This enables small teams to build scalable business models worldwide at zero marginal costs with little investment. The economic effects are clearly illustrated using specific examples. In addition, technical laypeople get an overview of which factors are particularly important for the competitiveness of their digital business models and how managers can influence them. Finally, the book gives practitioners specific guidelines on how the cloud transformation can be carried out in their company.

Target group

The book is aimed primarily at executives and employees in the specialist departments and IT who want to drive the cloud transformation in their companies.

Orderable from Springer oder Amazon.

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